Our Projects


22 Feb 2023

  • Education

The scarcity of basic infrastructure facilities in a school was one of the major challenges in achieving this goal. And so, driven by this primary objective, the foundation decided to donate the much-needed kitchen utensils and water purifiers to the Nandikoor School.

16 Feb 2023

  • Education

As Ventana Foundation continues to work towards its mission of empowering communities through education, it recently had the opportunity to support a Gurukula school in Koteshwara. The school, named Poorva Gurukula, had been providing free education to children in the region for over two decades. However, the school needed some modern infrastructure to help the older students transition better once they began pursuing mainstream higher studies.

14 Jan 2023

  • Education

In a world where technology is constantly evolving and becoming increasingly essential, it's important for students to have access to quality computer education. Unfortunately, many rural schools in India lack the necessary resources to provide their students with this opportunity. This is why Ventana Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting rural education, decided to donate two computer systems to Government Higher Primary School in Acchada, Udupi.

10 Jan 2023

  • Education

Ventana Foundation is dedicated to promoting rural education and recently took up the challenge of renovating the Government Higher Primary School in Malpe, Udupi. The school, which has a long history of imparting education to local students, had been struggling due to the dilapidated condition of its building and basic infrastructure facilities. Recognizing the importance of providing a safe and dedicated environment for quality education, the Ventana Foundation team, led by Rohith Bhat and Ravindra K, undertook the enormous task of renovating the building with unending vigor.

30 Dec 2022

  • Education

In June 2022, Ventana Foundation received a request from the Karnataka Public School in Bidkalkatte, Kundapura. The school had been experiencing a rapid rise in student enrollment, and as a result, they lacked the necessary infrastructure, such as desks, benches, and printers. With education being a key focus area for Ventana Foundation, they immediately took action and sent a team to the school for inspection.

17 Aug 2022

  • Education

Education is the foundation of a better future – and Ventana Foundation firmly believes in supporting rural education to pave the way for a brighter tomorrow. In June 2022, the Foundation received a request from the Nittur Higher Primary School for financial assistance in repairing their school building. The school has a rich history of 122 years, and despite the growing popularity of English medium schools, it continues to educate over 200 rural students.

25 Jun 2022

  • Education

The lack of proper sanitation facilities is a major issue in many local schools, especially for girls. It not only hinders their education but also poses health and safety risks. Ventana Foundation, a charitable trust founded by Rohith Bhat, had taken up the cause of building toilets for women and girls in schools in the Udupi district of Karnataka.