Home is where
our story begins.

Founded in 2022 by Rohith Bhat, founder of Robosoft Technologies and 99Games, and a few like-minded colleagues on a mission for the greater good – we’re a non-profit organisation that believes before making a lasting impact on the world – start small. And by small, we mean our small town of Udupi where you meet people from all walks of life, witness cultures unlike any other and enjoy serene greenery that’s on a decline worldwide.

Having built a global Digital Transformation company and gaming studio that’s successfully creates delightful global games, our founders know that in the pursuit to reach the global trends through tech and games, what gets forgotten is culture, heritage and the environment. As the digital world opens doors to the future, we’re the window to ensure that the past doesn’t get forgotten – and for that, we focus on 4 key areas of our local region.


Environmental Preservation

Protecting our environment is everyone's job because it creates an impact through a collective effort. We focus on conducting green initiatives, cleanliness activities and planting trees so that our future generation can still breathe fresh air in the years to come

You can’t force people to care about the natural environment, but if you encourage them to connect with it, they just might.

Cultural Revival

In our region, we have some unique cultural art-forms like Yakshagana, Yakshagana Puppet, Tiger Dance and Kola. There have been multiple generations carrying on these traditions, but today, these art-forms are disappearing as artists find it difficult to sustain. We aim to empower these artists so our culture remains rooted strongly for generations.

If we are to preserve culture we must continue to create it.


The National Education Policy (NEP) 2000 says your regional language should be the medium of instruction preferably till Grade 8. However, in today’s competitive society, the general perception is children should be taught in English-medium schools, leading to the decline in Kannada-medium schools. We aim to support these local schools with infrastructure and amenities.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Community Service

Udupi is home to many cultural and unique monuments of historical importance – but they may not be maintained and need restoration. We partner with local groups to rebuild and restore local monuments and we also extend similar support towards healthcare, sports, and women welfare in the region.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.