Donates computers & laptop to Govt. Higher Primary School

Published on 14 Jan 2023

  • Education

In a world where technology is constantly evolving and becoming increasingly essential, it's important for students to have access to quality computer education. Unfortunately, many rural schools in India lack the necessary resources to provide their students with this opportunity. This is why Ventana Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting rural education, decided to donate two computer systems to Government Higher Primary School in Acchada, Udupi.

The request for computer systems was received by the Foundation in August 2022. The school, which currently has a student strength of 108 was in need of computers to impart computer education to students in Standard 4 to 8. One of Ventana Foundation's members, Sudheendra, was an old student of the school and was instrumental in arranging the contribution.

Realizing the importance of computer education in today's world, Ventana Foundation was quick to respond to the request. In January 2023, a handover event was organized, attended by Ravindra K, Shylaja Rao, and Sudheendra. Sudheendra gave a heartwarming speech, expressing his gratitude to Ventana Foundation for their generous donation.

The school staff was equally enthusiastic and thanked Sudheendra and the Foundation for their contribution, which would enable the school to provide computer education to its students. The donation of computer systems will have a far-reaching impact on the students of the Government Higher Primary School in Acchada, giving them access to modern technology and preparing them for a future that is becoming increasingly reliant on it.

Ventana Foundation remains committed to promoting rural education and empowering students with the tools they need to succeed. The donation to Government Higher Primary School in Acchada is just one example of VF’s efforts to bridge the digital divide and ensure that students in rural areas have access to the same opportunities as their urban counterparts.

Ventana Foundation's initiative to donate computer systems to Government's Higher Primary School in Acchada is a step towards empowering rural students with the tools they need to succeed in today's world.