Women's Sanitation in Koravadi

Published on 25 Jun 2022

  • Education

The lack of proper sanitation facilities is a major issue in many local schools, especially for girls. It not only hinders their education but also poses health and safety risks. Ventana Foundation, a charitable trust founded by Rohith Bhat, had taken up the cause of building toilets for women and girls in schools in the Udupi district of Karnataka.

The Foundation's latest project was the construction of a ladies' toilet in a local school Government Primary School, Koravadi, which was inaugurated in June 2022 by Shilpa Bhat. The event was attended by the students, teachers, and dignitaries who showed a keen interest in the project. The students even planted trees in the school garden to commemorate the occasion.

The initiative was taken after the school administration requested the foundation to help them construct a new toilet. The existing facilities were in poor condition and needed immediate attention. The lack of proper sanitation facilities was causing many girls to drop out of school, and the women teachers also faced difficulties due to the inadequate facilities.

Based on the request received from the School and Mr. Srinidhi Upadhyay, Trustee of the School to Ramesha Bhat, the Foundation promptly began the construction process after obtaining the necessary approvals from the Gram Panchayat and the Education Department. The project was executed by a local civil team, and the payments were initiated by the Foundation. The School Headmistress also showed a lot of interest in the project, ensuring that the facilities inside the toilet were managed well. She even ensured that the choice of colors of tiles appealed to the girls and had enough space for storage units.

The initiative had a significant impact on the students, especially the girls who had been struggling with the lack of proper sanitation facilities. With the construction of the new toilet, the girls could now attend school without any hindrances and focus on their studies. The women teachers also felt more comfortable using the new facilities.

The school administration and the local community appreciated the Foundation's effort in constructing the toilet. It not only provided a much-needed infrastructure but also served as a symbol of progress and development in the area. The Headmistress, who retired in July 2022, was crucial in maintaining the toilet and the school garden, even during the summer vacation.

Ventana Foundation's commitment to improving the lives of the people in Udupi district is inspiring. By taking up initiatives that address critical issues such as sanitation, education, and healthcare, the Foundation is creating a positive impact on the community. The Foundation's work is a testament to the fact that small initiatives can bring about significant change, and we hope to see more such initiatives in the future.